
새로워진 트위터 개편! 뭐가 달라졌을까? (1) - 소개편

Mashable 2010. 9. 16. 09:30

※ 이글은 외신에서 트위터 개편이 나온날 작성한 프리뷰 입니다. 때문에 간략한 소개로 되어있으며 보름이 지난 후 적용이 되었기때문에 일부 정보나 UI가 변할 수 있음을 알려드립니다.

트위터 새롭게 태어나다!

트위터 트위터가 새롭게 오픈 될 예정입니다.
그동안 트위터 자체는 아주 불편한 툴로써 API를 이용한 다양한 프로그램들이 주로 사용되고있었죠

사진이나 영상도 이제 손쉽게 바로 올릴 수 있습니다. 일단 자세한 내용은 나오지 않았으므로 사진을 보시죠
PC상의 화면도있으나 대부분은 아이패드용 앱으로 테스트한 사진입니다.


이번에 새롭게 개편되면서 나온 소개영상입니다. 상당히 잘만들었어요~!!

새로운 트위터에 관한 10가지

다음은 외신 기자가 트위터 발표회견장에서 보며 쓴 10가지 사항입니다.

  1. Although no specific number was given during the presentation, Twitter is rolling out the new site to 1 percent of its 160 million registered users tonight, said product manager Kevin Cheng. A lot of tech launches are U.S. only, but this is worldwide.
  2. The code name for the new launch was Phoenix (Kind of funny when you think of the metaphorical bird rising from the ashes. As long as in this metaphor the ashes are the fail whale.)
  3. The new Twitter.com is a full Twitter client using the company’s APIs. It was built on the @anywhere platform, which helps pull information about profiles and other data in order to be displayed in Javascript. @anywhere was previously known as the little media widgets the company announced at SXSW this year. Two engineers played around with building a Twitter client on top of @anywhere and demoed it, then the company decided to run with it as a larger project.
  4. Twitter wants to position itself as a place for fast and easy consumption of information. Product manager Josh Elman said that he expects Twitter will be more like Google than Facebook — a destination for quick visits rather than extended time-wasting and engagement sessions. Twitter users come to the service when they have an extra moment waiting in line, and return throughout the day. Elman (who previously worked at Facebook) said it’s philosophically important for Twitter that the people don’t necessarily know what they’re looking for when they access the service — they just want to be informed. (More on Twitter CEO Evan Williams’ thoughts on that topic here.) Cheng said that it’s more important for people to get a lot out of each visit to the Twitter site than it is for them to spend more time there.
  5. Ryan Sarver, who leads Twitter’s platform team, talked to me about the relationships Twitter established with 16 media providers — sites like TwitPic and YouTube. These were necessary, he said, because many of the photo sites don’t offer embed codes. Although Twitter photo providers will presumably lose monetizable page views now that users won’t be clicking through to view photos as much, Sarver pointed out the alternative might have been for Twitter to launch its own video and photo hosting service — and none of the third-party providers want that.
  6. Sarver also talked about deals Twitter made with Kiva and Etsy to display embedded content when users tweet links to their pages. Again, these are a move to display more content formatted inline so users don’t have to click through. You can expect Twitter to expand these widgets to other sites, he said. I asked what Twitter might do to help preview links to web pages — after all Williams said 25 percent of tweets contain links, and not all of them are to media files. Sarver said the company has thought about doing something like pulling full text from RSS feeds when possible, but the problem is RSS is too slow (Update: even with PubSubHubbub is not broadly enough deployed, Sarver clarified.). Many times people tweet links to articles before it’s ever been transmitted to RSS, and that delay would break the system. An alternative would be to do something like take snippets of stories like the iPad app Flipboard does, but Sarver said he wasn’t sure that was a great solution either given copyright implications.
  7. What about the impact of the new Twitter on third-party competitors like Brizzly (where a big part of the appeal has been inline video and photos in a Twitter stream on a web page)? Elman said that he thought good Twitter apps will be more like Zynga on Facebook — a gaming provider that’s turboboosted by the social layer — rather than RockYou and Slide, which tried to build features to supplement Facebook itself.
  8. The new Twitter.com doesn’t include user streams — the real-time updates of tweets that clients like TweetDeck are now offering — but Twitter is working to add this.
  9. Another big platform project, Annotations, has been put on hold, because the infrastructure team was working on the Twitter.com launch, Sarver said.
  10. On the new Twitter.com, when you click on a tweet in the left pane, in the right pane you’ll see things like tweets with the same hashtag, or tweets in the same conversation, or tweets in the same place. That’s part of a separate product made by its own team at Twitter called Related Tweets. At some point in the future, Related Tweets will be available for other Twitter clients, including those from outside providers, said Cheng.

출처: 엔가젯, 벨리웨그